16 Fantastic Photos Of Our Planet

Sometimes I want to leave all my material possessions behind, pack a suitcase, and travel the world. Can you blame me? Millennials tend to be a lot more inclined to travel than have a lavish lifestyle and looking at these pictures, anyone will be able to understand why.
1. Trolltunga has to be the most beautiful rock formation I've ever seen.
Located in Odda, Norway, Trolltunga is several thousands of feet above the turquoise sea flooring. Common for hikers, this is a hot spot for good reason.

2. These are frozen air bubbles in a beautiful blue lake. How come the air bubbles on my phone's screen don't look this nice?
Seriously, then I wouldn't mind them. I might even enjoy trying to scroll post and read around them!

3. We've all seen a million photos of Zebra Canyon, but somehow, it never ceases to amaze.
Something about the orange and pink tones and the stripes and patterns naturally carved into the rocks is so enchanting!

4. How mesmerizing is this reflection on a clear river?
You'd think that was photoshopped or something, but nope! Not in the slightest, just nature being super cool and tripping us out. Kinda makes me want to camping!

5. There isn't a bad view of the Matterhorn. But I gotta admit, that sunshine reflecting off the top is next-level!
Wedged in-between Switzerland and Italy, it has to be one of the most beautiful (and photogenic) mountains out there.

6. Woah! How insane is this intricate frozen waterfall?
Especially next to normal trees, and above a lake, it appears to be surreal or out of our wildest dreams. Like, it looks like it came right out of a movie, doesn't it?

7. I can't stop staring at this frozen volcano pit.
How does nature do that, though? I've never seen the inside of a volcano at all, making a frozen one especially cool. Oh, and ya know, much safer...probably.

8. Does this remind anyone else of something from Star Wars?
It doesn't even look real, but it is! Death Valley in California lies underneath a bed of stars, looking like an absolute dream. This place just made my bucket list.

9. These tall trees surrounded by fog are a great balance of eerie and incredible.
Definitely could be the setting for a horror film or a magical movie about pixies. Either one.

10. Drones might be best used for nature photography. Who knew?
Seeing the different-sized trees stack up, only to be separated by a single turquoise stream of water? Nature is so cool, guys!

11. How do I purchase this giant iceberg? I mean, there is a bar code, after all!
Wow, that is how you know consumerism has taken over our world — when the first thing we think is a barcode.

12. Lightning isn't ideal while walking outside, but through a computer screen, or from inside? Gorgeous.
I've always thought lightning looked so cool. Seeing the different patterns and crackles in the dark sky is otherworldly, isn't it?

13. Okay, you gotta check out Mount Roraima in South America.
Dividing three different lands, Venezuela, Guyana, and Brazil, it serves as one of the highest points in South America. This view from up above looks absolutely insane, doesn't it?

14. This is the clearest reflection I've ever seen. No filter and definitely no Photoshop needed here!
Seriously, mirrors and selfies are second-best to the OG: reflection. Imagine taking a nature hike around this? I would never want to leave!

15. To be honest, I've never seen a volcano erupt — unless we're talking about the movies, of course.
Between the stars above, the billowing smoke, and bright lava, the volcanic eruption of Mount Agung in Bali is gorgeous.

16. Northern Lights are a common travel destination for a reason. So stunning, right?
Like, special effects what? Who needs digital technologies and all that when we have all-natural things like this? BRB packing my bags.

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