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Saturday, 9 December 2017

Saptagiri LLB Telugu Movie Review

Saptagiri LLB Telugu Movie Review

Saptagiri LLB is one film which has been promoted quite heavily all over. The film which is an official remake of Jolly LLB has hit the screens today. Let’s see how it is.


Sapthagiri, a small time lawyer from Chittoor dreams of making it big. He decides to get a high profile case reopened, taking on the finest lawyer in the country, in the process. Sapthagiri's life and justice will never be the same again


A young man Rohit from an extremely rich and influential family, in an inebriated state, runs over six beggars sleeping on the pavement, in his luxury car. Leading lawyer of the day Rajpal (Sai Kumar) gets Rohit exonerated of all charges. However, Sapthagiri (Sapthagiri), a small-time lawyer thirsting for success files a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) alleging that justice has not been done. The case is reopened and Sapthagiri is put to the test against an opponent who has never been defeated. In the process, he succumbs to the lure of money earning the wrath of those who stood by him and believed in him. Sapthagiri then has a moment of epiphany and he decides to be true to himself rather than subverting justice. What follows then is a courtroom battle, a war between right and wrong and the mighty and the meek. How David ends up defeating Goliath, forms the crux of the story.

Sapthagiri LLB is a remake of the Bollywood blockbuster Jolly LLB and more or less stays true to the original. The difference is in terms of the presentation of the lead character. Without disturbing the plot, director Charan Lakkaakula has inserted some fight and song sequences (shot in exotic locales) to portray Sapthagiri as a mainstream hero. With a proven script, he has made a few adjustments to the story to suit the nativity factor but the objective is clear: Establishing Sapthagiri, the leading comedian of Tollywood as a commercial hero ala Suneil. Those who come to the theatres expecting a generous dose of comedy because of Sapthagiri playing the lead role, will be disappointed as there is not much scope for it although Shakalaka Shankar does provide a few laughs in the first half. Sapthagiri does a decent job but the show-stealers are clearly Sai Kumar and Shiva Prasad who plays the judge. These roles were portrayed by Bomman Irani and Saurabh Shukla in the original and it's not an easy job to step into their shoes. But Sai Kumar and Shiva Prasad have done an outstanding job. Kashish Vohra does not have a substantial role whereas Gollapudi Maruti Rao and LB Sriram impress in their cameoS.

Plus Points :-

The last half an hour of the film is quite crucial and is the biggest asset to the film. The way the court case is fought between the two lawyers has been showcased in a very interesting note.

Sai Kumar does a pretty impressive job in his role as a senior lawyer. He brings a lot of depth to the proceedings with his negative role. All his confrontational scenes with Saptagiri has been executed nicely.

Coming to Saptagiri, he has done a decent job in his titular role. Even though he goes overboard at the start of the film, once the second half begins, he becomes serious and gives a settled performance. The actor who did the role of a judge has also done a very impressive job.

Minus Points:-

The entire first half is dodgy and has nothing much interesting going its way. The way Saptagiri gets involved in the case and challenges Sai Kumar is shown in a very silly note.

This is the time where Saptagiri is shown as a mass hero with unnecessary fights and songs coming in as speed breakers. The makers should have left Saptagiri’s character quite simple and plain-hearted so that things would have been quite hard-hitting during the end.

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