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Monday, 6 November 2017

This Little Italian Town Will Pay You To Live There, So Pack Your Bags

This Little Italian Town Will Pay You To Live There, So Pack Your Bags

Have you or a friend ever said that you'd love to pack up everything into a suitcase or two and move somewhere scenic and slower and carefree? Well, this might be the prime time to do so, because one Mayor is paying people to move to Italy.

Have you ever dreamed of packing up and moving to Europe? A quaint little Italian town, perhaps? 

"Only like all the time!" we shriek in unison. Who doesn't want to go and move to beautiful, historical Europe? 

Well, that dream could be coming true. Candela is a charming town, located in the southeast region of Italy.

It's located in the province of Foggia, and the region of Apulia. Even the names sound so beautiful!

Can't afford to move across the globe? Same. But guess what? They'll pay you to move there!

Yes, you read that right. Mayor of Candela, Nicola Gatta, is paying people to move to this little gem. So go pack your bags, girl!

How come? Well, despite the town being beautiful, it is super small. Gatta is looking to grow the population!

Right now, the population stands at a little under 3,000 people. Um, I'll move there right now.

Back in the '90s, Candela had more than double the population, with over 8,000 people.

"I work each day with passion and commitment to bring Candela back to its ancient splendor," Gatta saidabout restoring the population.

Gatta will compensate singles, couples, and families — but of course, the more, the merrier.

"800 euros for singles, 1,200 euros for couples, 1,500 to 1,800 euros for three-member families, and over 2,000 euros for families," Stefano Bascianelli, assistant to Gatta, said.

Of course, people who move there have to work. Duh. 

Those who relocate must rent a house and find a job that pays at least 7,500 euros per year, which converts to less than $9,000 USD. So, not bad, at all.

Candela boasts breathtaking beauty — all without traffic, pollution, and noisy crowds. 

Ugh, sounds like a dream, doesn't it?
"It's a quiet and simple lifestyle. No crowds, easy to move around, no traffic nor smog," Candela resident Francesco Delvecchio said.

On top of being in Candela, there are other close, scenic regions to explore as well.

"We're right at the crossroads of three gorgeous Italian regions: Campania, Basilicata and Molise, with all the wonders each offers at hand." Delvecchio said.

Oh, and besides the scenic landscapes, there is an abundance of homemade pasta, pizza, etc.

Wait, wait, wait, somehow that convinced me even more to move there. Pasta with a view of Italy? I will take it!

Not to mention the photos here would be amazing. Screw a partner, move with your BFF, and create other-worldly 'grams.  

*casually takes photos in this alley for fashion blog* BUT REALLY CAN YOU IMAGINE THOUGH???

So, go ahead and pack your bags. Bring a friend, or the whole fam, and get paid to move to Italy!

One thing is for sure, you would be living your best life here, guaranteed. 

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