Boyfriend's Response To His Girlfriend's Bikini Selfie Deserves A 'Boy, Bye'

It's not exactly a fair question, as there is only one acceptable answer, but in my experience, a good bae knows exactly what to say.
Well, that doesn't seem to be the case for Katie Testa, who sent her boyfriend a sexy bikini selfie and got a stone cold response in return.
Katie recently tweeted out a play-by-play of the whole situation, with much deserved caption: "boy, bye."
At first glance, I this rockin' bikini pic looks like an after pic for some sort of Instagrammable tea, so what could possibly be the problem?

Well, the problem wasn't with Katie's beach babe body, but with her boyfriend's opinion of the swimwear selfie.
Here is a closer look at the selfie she sent her man.
To be honest, she's gorgeous, and I'm not just saying that. Plus, that bikini is downright adorable.

It seems the only thing Katie did wrong in this situation was choosing this guy to be her boyfriend.

I can't think of an acceptable reason to actually say this to another human, let alone someone you care about. I don't care if you're Prince Charming or Channing Tatum (both of whom would never be this cruel), no woman should ever change her body to fit your unrealistic body standards. I wasn't made for you. I was made for me.

Thankfully, the replies to her tweet were extremely supportive and positive, just like her boyfriend should have been.
As expected, many a man was ready to jump in and show some appreciation.

People also replied to her tweet with a some much needed comic relief.

If he has unrealistic beauty standards, you need to have higher standards.

Rejoice! Katie has ended her relationship with the rudest man in the world, so we can all rest easy.

When life gives you a lemon, trade up, or use it as a garnish for a fancy martini.
Because I'm assuming that's exactly what Beyoncé would do.

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