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Saturday, 14 October 2017

This Artist Makes Unreal Fashion Sketches Out Of Everyday Objects

This Artist Makes Unreal Fashion Sketches Out Of Everyday Objects

Have you ever wanted to see what a ball gown would look like if it was constructed entirely out of pepperoni pizza? Of course you have, and if not, allow me to answer your prayers anyway. Edgar Artis is a mega-talented artist who makes fashion sketches out of everyday objects like food, craft supplies, and even shoelaces.

Chewing Gum Chic

Okay, so this one comes with a slight cringe factor because it is chewed gum, but if you can get past that, this is actually really pretty. 

Trail Mix Trendy

Yes to those trail mix over-exaggerated wing-like sleeves! Yes to the fiercest flare-out bottom I've ever seen! Yes to dried bananas! New York Fashion Week, take notes.

Color Pencil Perfection

Edgar is so creative and resourceful, he used colored pencil shavings from a sharpener as the top of this dress. He also sharpened the pencils to different lengths to create the illusion of layers. 

Cabbage Cute

Lettuce never looked so appealing. He also did a red cabbage version, and you won't even be-leaf how gorg it is.
Couldn't resist the pun, but the dress actually is amazing.

Pizza Princess

You need this and so do I and so does everyone else with a pulse. Beauty, grace, understated elegance like I have never seen before. Amazing...and delicious....and I'm hungry. 

Gorgeous Gloves

Radiant in rubber gloves! Now that is a sentence you thought you'd never hear regarding fashion, isn't it? I mean, these gloves look like they were meant to made into a dress! 

Wooden Wonderful

Clothespin chic. This one is mesmerizing to look at. I mean, okay, those metal sleeves would probs be mad uncomfortable irl...but fashion isn't really about being comfortable, okay

Gummy Bear Goddess

This sketch screams throwback Katy Perry and I'm more than here for it. California Gurls would have been even better in this number, don't you think? I can see the Gummy Bears now...

Kibble Couture

Guys, he even made dog food look fashionable. DOG FOOD. Edgar, to claim you have a gift is a massive understatement. Please never stop creating these incredible masterpieces.
Psst...I love how impressed that pupper is. 

Beautiful Bananas

Here is cage skirt he made out of banana peels, with banana slice appliqués. Amazing! It'd be a little breezy, but hey! This is perfect for a lazy day at the beach.

You can check out the rest of his work here
Which of these is your favorite? I love the dresses made out of Gummy Bears and Pizza! 

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