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Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Female Celebs Are Calling On Men In Hollywood To Speak Up Against Harvey Weinstein

Female Celebs Are Calling On Men In Hollywood To Speak Up Against Harvey Weinstein

The New York Times investigation that uncovered decades of sexual assault allegationsagainst Harvey Weinstein has seen female celebrities coming forward either with their own stories of sexual assault or with support and encouragement for those who are speaking up.  
Many, however, are wondering why so many men have remained silent on the matter. 

Mindy Kaling has expressed why it's important for men out there to come forward in support of women. 

Amber Tamblyn emphasised the reality that women typically have nothing to gain when it comes to speaking up about their own sexual abuse.

Jessica Chastain is also pointing out her annoyance that the media tends to demand only women speak up. 

Actress Lena Dunham penned an opinion piece to The New York Times calling out her male colleagues for not stepping up and speaking out. 

Dunham writes, "The reason I'm zeroing in on the men is that they have the least to lose and the most power to shift the narrative, and are probably not dealing with the same level of collective and personal trauma around these allegations."

It was also announced recently that Harvey was dismissed from The Weinstein Company, which he co-founded. 

The statement by the Weinstein Company Board of Representatives reveals that Harvey was let go due to the "new information about misconduct by Harvey Weinstein that has emerged in the past few days." 

Lena Dunham tweeted out this response after Weinstein was fired. 

Another Twitter user alleged that Weinstein's company only fired him because the allegations became public. 

There have been some men, like George Clooney, who have spoken up about the allegations. Clooney said, "It’s indefensible. That’s the only word you can start with.”

Actor Mark Ruffalo tweeted his thoughts on Weinstein's alleged actions. 

Writer and director Kevin Smith expressed embarrassment when asked his thoughts on the matter. 

Bridesmaids director Paul Feig took a stand on how important it is for both men and women to speak up against sexual abuse. 

Producer and director Judd Apatow has also tweeted out his thoughts on why Hollywood shouldn't remain silent on the matter. 

Lin-Manuel Miranda tweeted his support for those who came forward with their own stories. 

Despite these celebrities coming forward, either with their own stories of sexual abuse or with support for anyone speaking up, it's not enough. In order to end this type of behavior, everyone who is outraged needs to say something when they see something; otherwise, it's just going to continue.  
SHARE if you agree that silence is not the answer, and COMMENT to tell us if you think men should also speak up about these allegations. 

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