7 Early Signs of Lung Cancer You Must Watch Out
Cancer is a disease no one likes to think about.
It could mean a respiratory infection, but if it lasts for more than 2
weeks it may require a chest x-ray, especially if you are coughing up
This is another sign which happens due to anemia, fluid in the lungs or
abdomen, blood vessel blockage, or tumor growth. If it is unusual, like
you climb a flight of stairs and experience shortness of breath, whereas
you haven’t before, then you might want to see a doctor.
If chest pain gets worse when laughing, coughing or taking deep breaths,
then it may be a sign as 25% of patients with lung cancer experience
this. There are also many other factors where one experiences pain in
these areas as well, so it shouldn’t be automatically assumed that
cancer is the cause.
You probably recognize the sound. It occurs when air is passed through
narrow airways. Asthma is a common with wheezing. But if it becomes
prolonged and persists, then a visit to the doc should be paid.
Cancer patients frequently experience weight loss and it can actually be
one of the first signs of the disease. It could be due to the loss of
appetite experienced, an increased metabolic demand, or treatment side
effects which include nausea and vomiting.
If the lung cancer has metastasized to the bones, then bone pain can
occur, such as in the backbone, ribs and thigh and hip bones, with
increased pain felt with increased activity. See your doctor if this is
7. Headache

Most likely you have known or heard of someone who has had the disease,
and maybe even has died from it. It begins in the cells when a
disruption occurs from new cells replacing the old. Some end up forming
uncontrollably while others don’t die as they are supposed to. A tumor,
then forms. If it is beginning, then it is usually not a big issue. But
if it is malignant, then it is a big issue.
There are over 100 types of cancer. Most are named after the location
which they infect. Lung cancer is one of the most common, and symptoms
sometimes don’t appear until the late stages. Here are seven early
warning signs to detect it before it hits those later stages.
1. Persistent Cough

2. Shortness of Breath

3. Chest/Back/Shoulder pain

4. Wheezing

5. Unexplained weight loss

6. Bone pain

In relation to lung cancer, this can occur as the result of metastasis
to the brain. The lung tumor compressing the blood vessels that deliver
blood to and from the brain may also result in headaches. Of course,
frequent headaches can mean a lot of things so it’s not worth it to
panic, but rather see your doctor and have them checked out.
Of course, having one or more of these symptoms does not by any means
translate into you having lung cancer. It is just something to look out
for and have it checked out so you can catch it early if by chance it is
the case.
Share this with friends and family to make them aware of these potential warning signs.
Source: Viralsection
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