Say Goodbye To Belly Bloat Forever! Here Are 3 Simple Tips To Help You Flatten Your Stomach Starting Today
is a myth that bloating in the stomach is from fluid accumulation in
healthy adults, because the abdomen is not a place where fluids
accumulate first,” says Jensen. “Instead, you would see it in your feet
or ankles as long as you are upright.”

Here are several easy tips which can help you flatten your belly:
Drink More Water
The elimination of excess fluids from the body will make your belly
flat. Therefore, you should drink plenty of water in order to prevent
It is recommended that you drink at least half of your body weight measured in ounces.
For instance, if you weigh 120 lbs, you should drink 60 ounces of water per day.
Reduce Salt Intake
Excess salt intake can lead to water retention in the body, which can cause water-salt imbalance and further lead to bloating.
Therefore, you should avoid foods that are loaded with salt, such as
snack, fast food, processed foods, frozen dinner and others.
Stop Chewing Gum
Furthermore, you should avoid chewing gums if you want a flat belly.
Chewing gums cause you to swallow excess air, which goes directly in
your stomach, making it bloated. It may sound strange, but sugar-free
gums can even worsen the situation.
Source: 1
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