15 Rajinikanth GIFs That Will Help You React To Life’s Important Moments
1. When you make a joke in your head and your bestie somehow gets it.

2. When you spot bae across the room and mmmm.

3. When your payday arrives earlier than all your friends’.

4. When you have a special date planned and all your friends try to crash it.

5. When your physics teacher starts talking.

6. When your boss makes a terrible joke but you have to laugh because it’s your boss.

7. When you mistakenly trust your friends to choreograph your sangeet dance.

8. When you’re first in line for popcorn at the movie theatre.

9. When it’s dandiya night and you have zero dandiyaskills.

10. When you need a personal moment to appreciate your own awesomeness.

11. When your talkative coworker starts telling you about their weekend in great detail.

12. When you’re reaching for something too high up, but are too dignified to jump for it.

13. When you’re so badass that you need to temporarily put life on hold just to revel in your own badassery.

14. When you have a brilliant thought and need to congratulate your brain for coming up with it.

15. And when people try to tell you Rajni isn’t a big deal.

source :buzzfeed
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